Mobile Device use Policy in Taxi
Hands-Free Use: Drivers should use their mobile phones only in hands-free mode, such as with a
Bluetooth headset or speakerphone, to minimize distractions while driving.
No Texting or Browsing: Drivers should not text, browse the internet, or engage in any activities that
require taking their eyes off the road while driving.
Emergency Calls: Drivers are allowed to make or receive emergency calls while driving, but they should
pull over to a safe location if possible or use a hands-free device.
Passengers First: Passengers should be given priority. If a call comes in while a passenger is in the
vehicle, drivers should ensure the call does not disrupt the passenger's experience.
Pull Over for Non-Emergencies: For non-emergency calls or messages, drivers should pull over to a safe
location before using their phones.
GPS and Navigation: Using GPS or navigation apps for route guidance is allowed, but drivers should
program the destination before starting the trip and not make adjustments while driving. A secure phone
mount should be used.
No Social Media or Entertainment: Drivers should not use their mobile phones for social media, video
streaming, or entertainment purposes while driving.
Hands-Free Music: If drivers want to listen to music or podcasts, they should do so in a hands-free
manner, setting up their playlists or adjusting the volume before starting the trip.
No Selfies or Photos: Drivers should not take selfies, photos, or videos while driving.
Reporting Issues: Drivers should report any safety concerns or issues with their mobile phones or
hands-free devices to their taxi company immediately.
Education and Training: Provide drivers with training and education on the mobile phone use policy, safe
driving practices, and the importance of minimizing distractions.
It's important to communicate and enforce this policy consistently to ensure the safety of all passengers
and drivers. Additionally, periodically reviewing and updating the policy to reflect changes in technology
and regulations is essential
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